Friday, May 18, 2012

Week 3 Leadership project hub

Now that my implementation of the flipped classroom model is complete, I’m anxious to share my findings with the world! I plan to submit my leadership document to The Science Teacher, a peer-reviewed journal by the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), and Research in Science Education, an international journal featuring scholarly science education research. Both publications feature informational articles aimed at science teachers who are attempting to improve their practice. This is exactly the sort of audience I hope to reach.

Reaching this point in my leadership project has not been trivial! In my week one leadership post, I explained my thought process in deciding to write a journal article instead of planning a presentation. In my week two post, I considered in which journals I would attempt to publish.

My leadership project document summarizes the literature review, implementation process and findings based on my implementation of the flipped classroom. 

Please note: Neither this blog nor the author is in any way affiliated with NSTA or Springer, the publisher of Research in Science Education

1 comment:

  1. Looks wonderful, I look forward to reading through your document.


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