Sunday, May 13, 2012

Week 2 Leadership post

For my leadership project, I have already decided to write an article for publication in a journal. After an exhaustive look at all the publications in Dr. Bedard’s list, I’ve narrowed down my publication options to The Science Teacher, a peer-reviewed journal by the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), and Research in Science Education, an international journal featuring scholarly science education research.

I am a long-time member of NSTA, and I frequently read the articles in The Science Teacher. I would be thrilled to see my description of my experiences in the flipped classroom appear in that publication. The Science Teacher is just one of several of NSTA’s peer-reviewed journals, but it is most relevant to my research because its target audience is high school science teachers.

Before researching possibilities for publication of my leadership project, I had never heard of Research in Science Education. I am intrigued by the idea of reaching an international audience, and I was really interested as I perused the list of articles in its most recent issue. Many of them sounded like articles I would want to read (if I had the necessary subscription!), and so I’ve opted to make Research in Science Education my backup for submission.

Please note: Neither this blog nor the author is in any way affiliated with NSTA or Springer, the publisher of Research in Science Education.

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